Session | Topic | Learning Outcomes |
1 | Basic Programming Concepts-1 | 1.Student learns about algorithm 2.Student create an algorithm for the given problem statement |
2 | Basic Programming Concepts-2 | 1.Student learns about flowchart 2.How to create a flowchart for a problem 3.What is programming language and why we need it |
3 | Python Introduction | 1.What is python? 2. what are use and application of python? 3. Student learn a in-build function called print() |
4 | Variables and Datatypes, input() | 1.Student learns about variables and Datatypes 2.Student learns to get the input from the user using in-build function |
5 | Operators | 1.Student learns about different operators in python and its usage |
6 | Conditional Statements-> if-else, if-elif-else | 1. Student learns about what is conditional Statements 2.Student will learn the if-else and if-elif-else conditional statements |
7 | While Loop | Student learns about loops – 1.While loop, 2.Infinite loop 3.Nested while Loop< |
8 | For Loop | Student learns about loops – 1.For loop 2.range() 3Nested while Loop |
9 | List-1 | 1. Student learns about what is data structure 2. Student will learn how to create the list and slice the list items |
10 | List-2 | 1. Student learns about various list operation and inbuild-function of list 2.How to access the list items using the “for loop” |
11 | 2D and 3D List | 1. Student learns how to create the 2D and 3D list 2.How to access the list items using the “for loop” |
12 | List Comprehension | 1. Student learns what is List Comprehension 2.How to a 1D,2D and 3D list using List Comprehension |
13 | String Manipulation | 1. Student learns what is the string and how the string value stored in python 2.Student to access and slice the string |
14 | String functions | Student learns different in-build function on strings |
15 | String Formatting | Student learns how to format the string using format() and f-string |
16 | Tuple-1 | 1. Student learns what is tuple and its usage 2.Student will create the tuple and learn to access the tuple items through tuple indexing |
17 | Tuple-2 | 1. Student learns to slice the tuple 2.Student learns the functions on tuple |
18 | Dictionary -1 | 1. Student learns what is dictionary and its usage 2.Student will create the dictionary and learn to access the dictionary items |
19 | Dictionary-2 | Student will learn the functions on dictionary |
20 | Dictionary Comprehension | 1.Student learns how to create dictionary using comprehension 2.Student learns to join the lists, dictionaries and tuples using zip() 3. Student learns about Enumerate() method which adds a counter to an iterable |
21 | Set and Frozen Set | 1.Student learns about set and how to create the set 2 Student learns the functions on set |
22 | Functions | 1. Student learns to create user-defined functions 2. Student learns about how to pass the arguments in different ways |
23 | Scope | 1.Student learns about what is scope and different type of scope 2 Student will learn how to modify the global variable inside the fuunction |
24 | Lambda Functions | 1. Student learns to create lambda defined functions 2. Student learn about how to pass the aruguments to lambda functions |
25 | Date and Time Module | 1. Student learns about how to work with date and time in python 2.Student learns how to import the module |
26 | Regex | 1.Student learns about Regex 2. How to use it find or match other characters or groups of characters. |
27 | Exception | Student will learn how to handle the exceptions using try-catch block |
28 | Module -Random | Student learns to import the module and functions in the random module |
29 | Array | 1. Student learns to create the array using array module 2.Student learns to access the array items and 3. Student learns different function on array |
30 | Python Stack and queue | 1. Student learn to create the STACK AND QUEUE using STACK AND QUEUE module and 2.Learns to access the items and 3. Learns different function on stack and queue |
31 | Math Module | 1. Student learns different function in math module to do various mathematical operations |
32 | Math Functions | 1. Student learns different function in math module to do various mathematical operations |
33 | OOPs Concepts | Student learns what is OOPs, what is class and object and properties of OOPs concepts |
34 | Class and Object | 1.Student learns about class and object and its need 2.Student learns to create the class and object |
35 | Python constructor | 1. Student learns about the constructors and how to create the constructor in python |
36 | Inheritance-Single and Multilevel Inheritance | 1. Student learns about the Inheritance 2.Student learnss to create single level, multilevel Inheritance |
37 | Inheritance-Multiple and hybrid Inheritance | Student learn to create hybrid, multilevel Inheritance |
38 | Abstraction in python | Student learns to handling complexity by hiding unnecessary information from the user using the concept of Abstractions |
39 | Numpy Array Creation | 1.Student learn a model called Numpy and it’s uses 2. Student learn to create numpy array -1D,2D,3D |
40 | Numpy Array slicing | 1.Student learns how to slice the Numpy array items 2. Student learns how to access the numpy array items -1D,2D,3D |
41 | Numpy Methods-1 | Student learns different function on numpy array |
42 | Numpy Methods-2 | Student learns different function on numpy array |
43 | Python Decorators | Student learns to modify the behavior of the function using powerful tool called Decorators |
44 | Python Generators | Student learns to return the traversal object and used to create iterators using Python Generators |
45 | Generators Expressions | Student learn to create the generator using expression in which syntax is similar to the list comprehension in Python |
46 | JSON | 1.Students learns what is JSON and how to access JSON object in python 2. Function on JSON objects |
47 | File Handling reading Files | 1.Student learns about files and 2. How to access the file and read the data from the file |
48 | Create, Write, and Delete files | Student learns to create/write and delete the file in python |
49 | Panda Module | Student will be introduced to Panda module and to read the CSV and Excel files |
50 | Panda series | Student learns to create a panda series and functions on panda series |
51 | Panda Dataframe | Student learns to create a panda Dataframe and functions on panda Dataframe |
52 | Slicing the Panda Dataframe | Student learn how to slice the Dataframe using iloc,loc |
53 | Project Selection and Requirement gathering | 1.Student learns about the software development life cycle stage 2.Student will be give different project title and the student will be grouped into 2 to 4 persons in team. 3.Then the team should select the project and 4. Start doing the requirement gathering for the software development |
54 | Design the Requirement | Student will design the project based on the requirement Student will create flowchart and Algorithm for the project |
55 | Coding the project | Students will start developing the project and do the unit testing |
56 | Coding the project | Students will start developing the project and do the unit testing |
57 | Coding the project | Students will start developing the project and do the unit testing |
58 | Testing | Once the software developed overall testing and debugging will be done by the student |
59 | Project Review | The project review will be conducted by the Trainer and other facilities based on the feedback student should rework |
60 | Project Review | The project review will be conducted by the Trainer and other facilities based on the feedback student should rework and submit the project |
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